The Office for Peace Culture

Das Kulturhaus am Heger Tor. Foto: Stadt Osnabrück, Katharina Opladen
Das Kulturhaus am Heger Tor.

Osnabrück - The City of Peace. This is not just a profiling name, but is closely linked to the history of the city and the aspiration to fill the City of Peace with life.

Many organisations and associations, and in particular the City of Osnabrück's Office for Peace Culture, are helping to make this a success.

Since 2001, the office has acted as a coordination centre between politics, administration and citizens. It initiates and coordinates peace culture projects and creates opportunities for participation, but also advises and supports the many civic initiatives in their commitment.

The aim of the office's work is to strengthen tolerant coexistence in a very diverse urban society, in which numerous people live who have a history of immigration and a correspondingly characterised cultural identity, who belong to different religions or represent different world views.

Event formats organised by the Office for Peace Culture such as the international cultural festival "MeWe", the "Festival of Cultures" or the "Open Mosque Day" promote the peaceful coexistence of citizens, as do the "Round Table of Religions" or the "Initiative Group Women and Faith".

The annual International Weeks against Racism and the projects in the field of remembrance culture educate and sensitise people to the growing and openly evident racism and anti-Semitism.

The office realises all these projects and measures mostly in cooperation with professional partners and the numerous associations and initiatives in the city that are committed to peace culture. They form a reliable and strong network that brings the City of Peace to life and makes it tangible.

Contact: Office for Peace Culture

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