Lev Kopelev

Russian Germanist, writer and humanist

1980 expatriated from the USSR *9 April 1912 Kyiv; †18 June 1997 Cologne Wording of the certificate:

In appreciation of his complete works as an expression of deeply experienced and practiced humanity, the City of Osnabrück awards Professor Dr. Lev Kopelev the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize. He has contributed in a special way to the understanding between the peoples of the Soviet Union and the Germans with his unimpeachable democratic attitude and his never tiring commitment. His writings and personal actions fulfill Erich Maria Remarque's humanitarian commitment: "My theme is the man of this century - the question of humanity." Osnabrück, June 13, 1991

Anja Lundholm (special prize)

German writer and publicist

*April 28, 1918 (as Helga Erdtmann) in Düsseldorf; † August 2007.

Wording of the certificate: On the occasion of the first award of the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize of the City of Osnabrück, Mrs. Anja Lundholm is awarded a special prize. With this award, the city honors her book "Das Höllentor. Bericht einer Überlebenden" ("Hell's Gate: A Survivor's Report"), in which she has sensitively described the suffering and thoughts of the victims in the concentration camp and the roles of the perpetrators. She succeeded in bringing human fates from an inhumane time to a wider public. Osnabrück, June 13, 1991


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